
Fun Kids Date Idea: Ice Cream Shop

Category: Lifestyle | Friday, January 27

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January can be such a long and busy month. Trying to catch up with all the things after the holidays and getting back into a routine after being off school. We try to be intentional about our time together during the week. Life gets full with school, work, and sports! So I decided to take the kids on a day date to a cute little ice cream shop in Castle Rock. 

ice cream shop

Time together is my favorite and makes my mama heart so happy! I love getting to sit and chat with them and listen to all their stories. Taking the kids to an ice cream shop so we can sit and catch up together is the sweetest (pun intended). 

kids date ideas

Glacier Homemade Ice Cream is in the heart of downtown Castle Rock. We love this area! So many cute restaurants and shops to explore here. We also love Dos Santos! One of our go-to places these days. 

kids ice cream shop

Love these kids so much. Family time ideas don't have to be overly complicated. Kids date ideas don't have to take up the entire day, either! Squeezing in little dates like this are so special. What kid would turn down a trip to a cute ice cream shop? ;) Any time we get to sit down and talk, my mama heart is full. Love their sweet little conversations and every moment we get to be together. 

Love, Stef

ice cream shop, kids date ideas, kids ice cream shop, family time ideas

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About Stef Hubble

Hey there! I'm Stef. Welcome to my lifestyle blog where I talk about everything from travel, style, home, holiday fun with kids, and everything in between! I started my blog in 2015 right before my daughter was born as a way to document life and family (previously known as What's Up Buttarcup). So glad you're here!

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CEO of the House

When you wear your CEO of the House apparel, let it be a reminder of your role in your family. As women, may we remember what an honor and privilege it is to be a daughter of the Creator. In this confusing world, let us be filled with faith and confidence as we lean into our feminine roles in our home. Through Christ, we are equipped to make decisions and guide our families to live counter-culturally.

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