

Affiliate Disclaimer

Please know that this in no way affects reviews, benchmarks, content, or this site's opinions of products, services, manufacturers, partners, or merchants. The mission of stefhubble.com is to provide the best functionality for this site's users, regardless of any potential affiliate commissions.


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Stef Hubble handpicks the products we use for affiliate marketing, and we only recommend the exhaustively researched products we love and think you’ll love.

DISCLOSURE: This is a sample affiliate disclosure. This let’s you know there are affiliate links on the page as well some helpful additional info.


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We strive to ensure our product reviews are as fair and unbiased as possible. Reviews rely heavily on reader trust, so an affiliate disclosure will be prominently displayed at the bottom of review pages to let you know there are affiliate links on that page. We’ll always let you know in the disclosure and in the article text if we’ve been compensated or solicited in any way.

While many people have generously offered donations to support this site, stefhubble.com does not accept donations. Instead, income received from affiliate relationships funds site maintenance and feature development. If you desire to donate to stefhubble.com, I kindly ask that you consider donating to a charitable organization instead.

Thank You,
Stef Hubble
Owner / Founder

Stef Hubble - Lifestyle and Fashion blog
CEO of the House

When you wear your CEO of the House apparel, let it be a reminder of your role in your family. As women, may we remember what an honor and privilege it is to be a daughter of the Creator. In this confusing world, let us be filled with faith and confidence as we lean into our feminine roles in our home. Through Christ, we are equipped to make decisions and guide our families to live counter-culturally.

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