
Baking Butterscotch Coffee Cake with Kids (aka Buttars Bread)

Category: Lifestyle | Saturday, January 28

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We had so much fun the other morning baking coffee cake for the family. I haven't done a lot of baking with the kids thus far because it requires so much patience and there is a guaranteed mess at the end! 

butterscotch coffee cake recipe
coffee cake

I decided to set aside a morning that would be spent baking our favorite butterscotch coffee cake with the kids. I find that when I go into an activity knowing it will be messy, but being mentally prepared for it, it ends up being tons of fun! It's much easier for me to embrace it when I've prepared. It's easier for me to encourage the mess and roll with the punches. 

coffee cake recipe
butterscotch coffee cake recipe easy

We had a blast! Ryder loved cracking the eggs and I tried to let him be as hands on as possible. Even Blakely got into it and loved watching the mess happen. We made a coffee cake that I've made for years and we call it "Buttars Bread". (For those of you that don't know, my maiden name is Buttars. Hence the fun name for our favorite coffee cake: Buttars Bread.) 

butterscotch coffee cake recipe
coffee cake recipe

This is a butterscotch coffee cake that we've gifted to friends often. It's basically crack cocaine! But legal. ;) It's so good you guys! I've decided I'm going to give you my top secret recipe. It's so easy and a crowd pleaser. 

butterscotch coffee cake recipe
butterscotch coffee cake

Buttars Bread (Butterscotch Coffee Cake) Recipe:

1. You will need four 4x8 coffee cake tins. 

2. For coffee cake batter: Mix together 8 eggs, 2 yellow cake mix, 2 instant jello (butterscotch flavor), 2 instant jello (vanilla flavor), 2 cups vegetable oil, and 2 cups water.

3. For the toppings mixture: 3/4 brown sugar, 2 tablespoons cinnamon, 1 bag butterscotch chips (I forgot to get butterscotch chips, so we used chocolate chips. Butterscotch is way better!) Mix everything together. 

4. Put 1" of cake batter in bottom of coffee cake tins. Top with half the brown sugar and cinnamon mixture. Top with half the bag of sprinkled butterscotch chips. Add another layer of coffee cake batter, using the rest of it up. Top with the rest of the brown sugar and cinnamon mixture. Top with the rest of the sprinkled butterscotch chips.

5. Place the coffee cake tins on a baking sheet and bake for 50 minutes at 350 degrees. 

If I'm gifting this delicious butterscotch coffee cake to neighbors or friends, I wrap it up in cellophane and tie it up with tool ribbon. Simple and cute. If you try this out, I'd love to know! :) If you post a picture of your Buttars Bread on Instragram, tag me @stef.hubble :) Happy baking!

coffee cake

Love, Stef

butterscotch coffee cake, butterscotch coffee cake recipe, coffee cake, coffee cake recipes

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About Stef Hubble

Hey there! I'm Stef. Welcome to my lifestyle blog where I talk about everything from travel, style, home, holiday fun with kids, and everything in between! I started my blog in 2015 right before my daughter was born as a way to document life and family (previously known as What's Up Buttarcup). So glad you're here!

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CEO of the House

When you wear your CEO of the House apparel, let it be a reminder of your role in your family. As women, may we remember what an honor and privilege it is to be a daughter of the Creator. In this confusing world, let us be filled with faith and confidence as we lean into our feminine roles in our home. Through Christ, we are equipped to make decisions and guide our families to live counter-culturally.

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