
Best Hair Care Products {Damaged Hair}

Category: Beauty | Tuesday, April 18

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This is my list of the top 15 best hair care products. I have used many of these hair care products for years and they are still at the top of my list. I don't use anything else on my hair and I highly recommend all items!

best hair care

I have thick, course, dry hair. I have worked hard to keep my hair from getting too dry or damaged. I wash my hair as little as possible (usually 2x a week) and let air dry as much as possible to avoid more heat than necessary. 

damaged hair care

If you have wavy or curly hair (or hair that tangles easily) I highly recommend brushing your hair with a shower comb while in the shower and while the conditioner is still in your hair. This has helped me so much!

best hair products, best hair care products, best hair care tips, best hair care products for damaged hair

Love, Stef

best hair products, best hair care products, best hair care tips, best hair care products for damaged hair

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Hey there! I'm Stef. Welcome to my lifestyle blog where I talk about everything from travel, style, home, holiday fun with kids, and everything in between! I started my blog in 2015 right before my daughter was born as a way to document life and family (previously known as What's Up Buttarcup). So glad you're here!

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CEO of the House

When you wear your CEO of the House apparel, let it be a reminder of your role in your family. As women, may we remember what an honor and privilege it is to be a daughter of the Creator. In this confusing world, let us be filled with faith and confidence as we lean into our feminine roles in our home. Through Christ, we are equipped to make decisions and guide our families to live counter-culturally.

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