
7 Simple Daily Chores for Kids

Category: Home | Thursday, June 18

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My kids have daily chores in our home. Do they roll their eyes? Yep. Do they grunt and moan? Yep. But it gets done. And when it's done, they are so proud of themselves! Most days, they do very simple daily chores morning and night. 

Having some age appropriate chores for kids is a must for our home. Our kids know they will have chores most days. These chores are simple and quick but helps get them into a routine and encourages them to work hard on a regular basis (even when they don't feel like it).

house chores for kids
kids chores by age

7 Simple Daily Chores for Kids:

1. Make your bed. 

2. Put away clean laundry. 

3. Tidy up bedroom and toys.

4. Sweep or vacuum.

5. Set and clear the dinner table.

6. Load/unload dishwasher.

7. Take out the trash.

kids chores
kids chore chart

These seven chores don't all happen every single day. But they are chores they are capable of and know they are expected to help with regularly. I think they really appreciate hanging out in their cleaned up rooms after they've taken time to tidy up!

In the morning the kids make their own beds and get themselves ready (get dressed, brush teeth) and to be honest, this was harder for me! Haha. I had to remind myself that it wasn't about the bed actually looking great. It was about them doing it. On their own and learning. Most of the time, their "made beds" don't look great. But they did it themselves and that's awesome for all of us! Haha. 

kids chore list
chores daily

In the evening the kids help set the table and then get in the baths themselves (Blake still needs a little help washing that amazing mane of hers) and get in their pjs on their own. We still help with brushing their teeth but have them do as much as possible on their own. Just getting into the habit of putting dirty clothes in the hamper can be so difficult!

chores daily kids

Sometimes they get money from family for birthdays, holidays, etc. And sometimes we pay them for doing *extra* chores/jobs around the house (like 50 cents). This way, they can earn some money. And this is so exciting to them! I love the quote: "I'm not raising children, I'm raising adults."

Love, Stef

kids chores, chores for kids, chores daily, chores for kids by age, chores for kids daily

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About Stef Hubble

Hey there! I'm Stef. Welcome to my lifestyle blog where I talk about everything from travel, style, home, holiday fun with kids, and everything in between! I started my blog in 2015 right before my daughter was born as a way to document life and family (previously known as What's Up Buttarcup). So glad you're here!

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